
5000sqm medical flooring Oct 2023 for large public hospitals

Mar 19, 2024

With the continuous improvement of the level of medical technology, the medical environment has gradually been people's attention. Especially in the millions of times everyday step on the floor, if the quality is not good, it is easy to break.

In October, Farfly cooperated with a large hospital and used Farfly's PVC homogeneous flooring. It is a good solution for the hospital's flooring needs, and this green, environmentally friendly, formaldehyde-free flooring greatly improves the quality of the hospital's environment.

First of all, medical homogeneous PVC flooring features: wear-resistant and pressure-resistant, anti-iodine, acid and alkali resistance, etc., homogeneous flooring with the upper and lower integrated production process, wear-resistant grade can reach T level, the use of life up to 20 years. Surface by strengthening the anti-fouling treatment PUR technology, easy to clean and clean features also make it preferred by the hospital.

Second, qualified medical homogeneous floor flame retardant to achieve B1 level technical requirements. In terms of environmental protection ensure that 0 formaldehyde, no harmful chemical volatiles, through no harmful chemical test, no volatile test. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the hospital needs to achieve antibacterial and anti-mould.


Hospital homogeneous flooring brands many brands, customers need to look at whether the selection of the product is in line with the above requirements, and whether through the various tests and the European Union certification, there is no access to what focus on outstanding awards.


The more important point is the brand precipitation. A company with a reputation, historic, and precipitation is more worthy of choice. Because of the deep plowing in the industry, they know more about the importance of product quality.


Agregar : No.5 Huaqing Intelligent Park, Huishan District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China

Teléfono : +86 18751567592

Correo electrónico : web@topvcfloor.com


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